What are some projects that DRF has funded?

Mission San Jose Elementary School.

Along with grants from the Hansen Family Foundation, a dyslexia prevention program pilot study was conducted in selected classes of Kindergarten through Grade 2 children at this elementary school in the Fremont Unified School District in California. All students in selected classrooms received instruction using Davis Symbol Mastery, from introduction of the alphabet and numerals, through learning punctuation and elementary reading words. Funding provided money for teacher training and the purchase of student, teacher and curriculum materials.

Grimmer Elementary School.

Funding was provided to train teachers and pilot a dyslexia remediation program in selected Grades K-1 and 3-6 classes. This program was staffed by a core group of six teachers and two instructional aides, who worked with the support of their principal to carry out this study.

Brisbane Unified School District.

Funds were provided to train three teachers in Davis Symbol Mastery, in order to incorporate this method into their district special education programs.